

    福建自考網(wǎng)> 試題題庫列表頁> Modern farmers do not have to work hard.


    卷面總分:100分     試卷年份:2018    是否有答案:    作答時間: 120分鐘   

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    Modern farmers do not have to work hard.

    • A、True

    • B、False

    • C、Not Given

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    更多題目 請在 下方輸入框 內(nèi)輸入要搜索的題目:

    Plowing and sowing by machines are advances in modern farming.

    • A、True

    • B、False

    • C、Not Given

    What did Mary send her grandparents last year?

    • A、A wooden elephant.

    • B、Handmade soaps.

    • C、Her own pictures.

    • D、A store-bought closet.

    Homeschooling vs School

    Many kids find it hard to concentrate in school. Classmates, bells, and even cheerful decorations in school can make it hard for some children to concentrate. _____26. In some schools, conditions are bad for children’s safety and health. _____27. Homeschooling parents can control their children’s environment to make sure it is safe and healthy. When students sit in a classroom surrounded by classmates, under the tight control of adults, they find it very hard to function in a normal way. Homeschooling children don’t have to stay in the school. _____28. They can interact with people in familiar situations, and they feel they can interact with people as adults.

    School bullying (以強欺弱)is a serious problem. _____29. Although schools are starting to deal with this problem, many kids are still afraid of going to school. Homeschooling kids can choose who they associate with and walk away from an uncomfortable situation.

    Schools are cutting field trips. _____30. On the contrary, homeschooling can move outdoors, to the beach or the zoo. For homeschooling families, the whole world is a classroom. Learning takes place everywhere and it never ends. 

    AInstead, they are out in the community.

    BIn this case, homeschooling offers fewer interruptions.

    CChildren usually sit at desks or around the kitchen tables.

    DSome children do not treat their classmates appropriately.

    EMany students go to class in old or poorly-designed buildings.

    FEven a short trip to the countryside is controversial in some places. 






