

    福建自考網(wǎng)> 試題題庫列表頁> France and several other European countries sent their medical teams to work side by side with the British doctors.(  )


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    France and several other European countries sent their medical teams to work side by side with the British doctors.(  )

    • A、Right
    • B、Wrong
    • C、Not mentioned
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    Qualities of Friendship

    To have a friend,be a friend;be  41  (friend), A friend is like a ship that carries us,  42  (stand) by us unchangingly , through the calm and rough seas of life. Is there any  43  ( pure) relationship than friendship? It is  44  ( condition) loyalty and love. Friendship is a kind of  45  (accept) that allows us to be who we are, fully,without fear that love will be withdrawn.

    Over a lifetime,it is the bond of friendship that allows us to explore our  46 ( deep) with supports. Sometimes, the friendship we give is not  47  ( return). but we benefit in another way; the process of extending friendship expands our consciousness. While  48  (give) we feel a sense of connection, Once we experience the connection we feel while giving with care,we know that it is not just what we receive in life that makes us happy. It is mainly the connection that we feel when our own boundaries of self-centeredness break down through our lovingness, that we feel our internal sense of peace and happiness.

    Honesty is. 8 quality that allows us to look in the mirror and see the  49 (reflect)of how we really are. In honesty we see clearly and can make adjustrments. If we live each day in accordance with our conscience ,our reflection in the mirror and how others see us will be well-balanced. Loyalty is a quality that develops our consciousness.Loyalty leads us deep into a situation, through it,and out the other

    side emerging as a more  50  ( develop) person. It is essential in friendship. People become friends through mutual loyalty.

    Many walls and chimneys were damaged during this quake.(  )

    • A、Right

    • B、Wrong
    • C、 Not mentioned



    Qualities of Friendship

    To have a friend,be a friend;be  41  (friend), A friend is like a ship that carries us,  42  (stand) by us unchangingly , through the calm and rough seas of life. Is there any  43  ( pure) relationship than friendship? It is  44  ( condition) loyalty and love. Friendship is a kind of  45  (accept) that allows us to be who we are, fully,without fear that love will be withdrawn.

    Over a lifetime,it is the bond of friendship that allows us to explore our  46 ( deep) with supports. Sometimes, the friendship we give is not  47  ( return). but we benefit in another way; the process of extending friendship expands our consciousness. While  48  (give) we feel a sense of connection, Once we experience the connection we feel while giving with care,we know that it is not just what we receive in life that makes us happy. It is mainly the connection that we feel when our own boundaries of self-centeredness break down through our lovingness, that we feel our internal sense of peace and happiness.

    Honesty is. 8 quality that allows us to look in the mirror and see the  49 (reflect)of how we really are. In honesty we see clearly and can make adjustrments. If we live each day in accordance with our conscience ,our reflection in the mirror and how others see us will be well-balanced. Loyalty is a quality that develops our consciousness.Loyalty leads us deep into a situation, through it,and out the other

    side emerging as a more  50  ( develop) person. It is essential in friendship. People become friends through mutual loyalty.






